Monday 20 July 2015

What Habits Do the World's Wealthiest People Have in Commonly.

What Habits Do the World's Wealthiest People Have in Commonly.

According to the study, these are some of the habits wealthy persons share:

1)Read every day.

Eighty-eight percent of wealthy individuals read 30 minutes or more each day in order to increase their knowledge -- compared with 2 percent of poor persons -- and 86 percent report they “love to read.”

2)Watch less TV.

Corley found that only 6 percent of rich persons watch reality TV and 67 percent watch less than an hour of TV per day, whereas 78 percent of the poor watch reality TV and just 23 percent watch less than an hour a day.

3)Maintain good health.

Thirty percent of the rich eat more than 300 junk-food calories per day, while a whopping 97 percent of poor people eat more than 300 junk-food calories each day. Seventy-six percent of rich people do aerobic exercise at least four days a week.

4)Keep a to-do list.

Eighty-one percent of rich people have a daily to-do list, compared with just 9 percent of poor people.

5)Set goals.

Eighty percent of the rich set specific goals, compared with 12 percent of the poor. In addition, over 80 percent believe in lifelong educational self-improvement and believe good habits increase opportunity. Only 5 percent of the poor expressed belief in these statements.
It's interesting to note that 68 percent of the 400 Americans on the Forbes "Billionaire List" are considered to be self-made: they built, rather than inherited their fortune.
The above are just a few of the habits wealthy individuals share; others include waking up at least three hours before work, listening to audio books during the daily commute and devoting at least five hours per month to networking. If wealth is your goal -- and who wouldn’t like to be rich? -- you can develop these habits with some persistent effort. It might be hard to turn the TV off, but doing so could be your first step toward a rich life, and one that's rich in more than money.

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